Dr Lloyd Jerome Lumino The Dentists - Kerikeri Dental Centre Kerikeri

Dr Lloyd Jerome

BDS (Edinburgh), General Dentist

Contact Dr Lloyd Jerome

Dr Lloyd Jerome is a male General Dentist.

Lloyd graduated from University of Edinburgh, Scotland with his BDS in 1985. He is committed to helping nervous clients feel relaxed about their treatment and having a great rapport with clients and team members. He likes becoming adept in new techniques, especially in the realm of cosmetic work. Lloyd is interested in minimally-invasive cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free dentistry, cosmetic solutions for restorative dentistry, effective long-term prevention of dental disease and treatment of the anxious and phobic client and creating a relaxed working environment.

To further his studies Lloyd attends courses every year on new innovations in dentistry. He is a member of the NZIMID (New Zealand Institute for Minimal-Intervention Dentistry) and is also working with his colleague, Richard Owen, on their patent for the use of Ozone gas in dental disease prevention.

When Lloyd is not busy in the practice he enjoys writing and has just completed his first book (about his wife and himself migrating to NZ) that has been published on Kindle! Lloyd loves travelling, photography, cooking, eating and is currently pretending to be a runner, training for a half-marathon. Lloyd is also a part-time farmer, keeping Alpacas.

Over the years Lloyd has had many achievements such as winner of 3M's "Innovations in Dentistry" award in 1995, twice runner-up "Probe Magazine" dentist of the year in the UK (1997 and 1999) and a while back he wrote an article on "The Art and Science of Distraction at the Dentists":