Dr Uday Kasture is a male General Dentist.
Dr Uday Kasture is highly committed to improving dental wellbeing of his patients for the past 36 years. His practice philosophy emphasises treatment through preventative care with minimal intervention.
Dr Uday is one of the pioneers of the WaterLase and the Periolase in New Zealand, for which he trained in the USA.
He is a founding member of the New Zealand Institute of Minimal Intervention Dentistry, a member of the New Zealand Dental Association and the American Association of Implant Dentistry.
Dr Kasture is known for his strong motivation about bringing the best and the latest advances in dental technology from all over the world back to New Zealand. He regularly travels to the USA, Australia, South East Asia and other parts of the world for his continuing education.
He has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, implantology and treatment of Gum diseases.
Dr Kasture graduated as Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Mumbai, India and he went on to do a Master’s degree in Oral Pathology. Before he moved with his family to beautiful New Zealand in 1996, Dr Uday ran his successful private dental practice along with his wife, Manasi in Mumbai- India, for 11 years.
After acquiring his NZ practising license in 1998, Dr Kasture has made Palmerston North his home since 2000.