Dr Sahar  Dadbakhsh Lumino The Dentists - Mt Eden Village Auckland

Dr Sahar Dadbakhsh

BDS (London), General Dentist

Contact Dr Sahar  Dadbakhsh

Dr Sahar Dadbakhsh is a female General Dentist.

Sahar moved to NZ from the UK in 2012 with her family to follow in the footsteps of her husband who wanted to pursue his Ear Nose and Throat career in his homecountry. She qualified in 1999 from Guy’s Hospital Dental school in London and spent a period of 2 years as an SHO in a Maxillofacial department developing her oral surgery skills and was also successful in obtaining her Membership of the Royal college of Surgeons of England. Following this, Sahar spent over 10 years in general dental practice providing a wide variety of treatment.