Dr Natalia  Dmitrieva Westgate Dental Centre Auckland

Dr Natalia Dmitrieva

DDS (Kuban), General Dentist

Contact Dr Natalia  Dmitrieva

Dr Natalia Dmitrieva is a female General Dentist.

Natalia is a prin­ci­pal den­tist at West­gate Den­tal Cen­tre. She has over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in den­tistry. Con­stantly upgrad­ing her skills via var­i­ous courses and gain­ing more knowl­edge of new tech­nolo­gies Natalia enjoys her work and calls den­tistry her pas­sion.

Natalia spe­cial­izes in gen­eral den­tistry with a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in endodon­tics , restora­tive and cos­metic den­tistry. She also suc­cess­fully per­forms long-term den­ture sta­bi­liza­tion by plac­ing of mini implants. She recently added Invisalign treat­ment to the ser­vice offer­ings, so that you can enjoy a per­fect and lively smile.