Dr Li Ling Cheah is a female General Dentist.
Li Ling graduated with a BDS from the University of Otago in 2012, she joined the Lumino team at Karori in September 2015.
Li Ling enjoys getting to know her patients and making them feel at ease. Li Ling is most interested in making fillings look as natural as possible, crowns and has a growing interest in endodontics. She is planning to further her studies and will be sitting the MRACDS(GDP) exams next year.
When she is not at the practice, Li Ling is sitting the Swimming New Zealand Swim Teacher Award (SNZ STA) so she will be qualified to teach people how to swim. She also enjoys scuba diving, tramping and travelling.
Li Ling believes that when it comes to dental treatment, there is usually more than one option. Li likes to give her patients all their options with the pros and cons of each, so they can understand what is happening and can make an informed decision.