Dr Jesse B O'Neill Team Dental Tauranga Tauranga

Dr Jesse B O'Neill

BDS (Otago), General Dentist

Dr Jesse B O'Neill is a male General Dentist.

Originally I am from Christchurch (born & bred). I initially completed a Science Degree at Auckland University. Following this I did two years as a Research Scientist with the National Heart Foundation and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacology at Auckland Medical school. I graduated from Otago Dental School and spent my first year as a House Surgeon at the Auckland Hospital service and subsequently four years in Accident and Emergency Dentistry -so I know how to get people out of pain.

I have 19 years of General Dentistry experience and maintained my continuing education courses which have kept me up to date with the advances in Dentistry. These courses confirmed what was taught in Otago in that ideal dentistry is based on accurate exam and x-rays to determine proper treatment needs to minimise repetitive dentistry. To this end I see a lot of baby boomers with heavily restored wall to wall amalgams. I like to transform these teeth from black blobs to restorations that look like teeth. Also I have a special interest in Endodontics (root fillings) and Crown and Bridgework.