Dr Fiona C Paterson Philip Holmes Dental Tauranga

Dr Fiona C Paterson

BDS (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), General Dentist

Dr Fiona C Paterson is a female General Dentist.

Fiona is the friendliest female dentist in Tauranga! She is a smiling, Scottish dentist who moved to the Bay of Plenty in January 2011, after travelling all over New Zealand. She gained NZ residency in August 2011. Fi finds Tauranga a lovely, sunny city with friendly people in a wonderful location and is delighted to have settled here. She set up Gardens Dental from scratch in 2011, and is very happy to be so busy!

Fi is able to communicate effectively with patients and dental colleagues, and is keen to establish an excellent rapport. She is sympathetic to the needs of her patients and aims to provide comfortable treatment to the highest clinical and ethical standards. She is committed to the long-term dental health of you and your family.

Fi looks forward to providing the highest level of dental care to all her patients and hopes to keep your dental experience as relaxed and enjoyable as possible! If you are looking for a friendly, quality, female dentist, please visit Gardens Dental Tauranga at 38 Cliff Road.