Dr Tina Hauman Hauman Endodontics Dunedin

Dr Tina Hauman

BMedSc (Pretoria), BChD (Pretoria), MDS (Otago), Specialist Endodontist

Contact Dr Tina Hauman

Dr Tina Hauman is a female Specialist Endodontist.

Tina Hauman is a South African native who has been living in Dunedin, New Zealand since 1997.

She completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Pretoria in 1986. She then lectured full-time for four years at MEDUNSA and another seven at the Dental Faculty of the University of Stellenbosch, before finally moving to Dunedin where she started lecturing at Otago University's Dental Faculty.

In 2002, she achieved her Masters of Dental Surgery from Otago University and set up a private practice as an Endodontist.

She continues to tutor part-time at the University of Otago and is passionate about helping provide quality dentistry to under-served communities around the South Island.

Tina is a caring and compassionate person. She has been in the dental industry for over thirty years, and lectures in the field to share her knowledge with others.

She authored several original scientific papers, was editor of the NZ Endodontics Journal for many years and is active in many associations related to her profession.