Dr Andrew M Lush Nelson Orthodontics Nelson

Dr Andrew M Lush

BDS (Otago), MDS (Ortho) (Otago), FRACDS, Specialist Orthodontist

Contact Dr Andrew M Lush

Dr Andrew M Lush is a male Specialist Orthodontist.

Andrew Lush has worked as a dental house surgeon at Auckland Hospital and in private dental practices in Auckland and in the UK before doing his MDS degree in Orthodontics at Otago. He is a registered specialist with the Dental Council of New Zealand and also has a fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.

Andrew has been the organiser of the NZAO Study Group and is a member of the NZAO Continuing Professional Development Subcommittee. He has been a past secretary of the Nelson Branch of the NZ Dental Association and secretary of the NZAO.