Gardens Dental Centre is a Dentist in Dunedin, with dentists including Dr Simon Guan, Dr Christian Morgan and Dr Helen Thompson.
26 Bank Street
Dunedin 9010
(03) 473-0144
(03) 473-0143
To make an appointment at Gardens Dental Centre, please call (03) 473-0144
Dr Simon Guan is a male Specialist in Oral Medicine.
Simon is a senior lecturer in Oral Medicine at the Faculty of Dentistry, at the University of Otago. He graduated with BDS and qualified as a registered Oral Medicine Specialist after completion of his MBChB and DClin...more...
Christian graduated from The University of Bristol, UK in 2006 with a BDS and also completing a MFDS and RCPS (Glasg). In his role as a dentist, he enjoys receiving positive feedback from patients, whether it is from ...more...